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Conditions of participation
Participation without publication
Face-to-face / Online
Face-to-face / Online
Price: 0
For face-to-face/online participation, you must register
(no later than 08.25.2024)

Each participant of the conference will receive a certificate of participation in electronic form
publication in the proceedings of the conference
Publication in the Proceedings (RSCI)
Price: 700
To publish an article in the collection of scientific papers
of the RSCI, you must register
(no later than 08.25.2024)

The article, designed according to the requirements,
is sent to the e-mail of the conference:
(no later than 09.15.2024)
E3S Web of Conferences
Publication in the E3S Web of Conferences

Price: 20 000
To publish an article in the E3S Web of Conferences,
included in the Scopus and Web of Science you must register
(no later than 08.25.2024)

To the conference email conf.dstu@gmail.com
are being sent:
- an article designed according to the requirements
of the E3S Web of Conferences;
- expert opinion
(no later than 10.01.2024)
All scientific articles undergo mandatory double anonymous ("double-blind") peer-review.
The review process takes up to 1,5 weeks.
Each manuscript is sent to 2 reviewers. The reviewing is made in the unbiased way. Any manuscript received for peer-reviewing must be treated as a confidential document. Each reviewer has the right to refuse from peer-reviewing in case there is a clear conflict of interest that might affect the perception and interpretation of the manuscript’s.
Professional development
with the issuance of state-issued certificates
Advanced training courses
Price: 3 000₽
1. Fundamentals of electrical safety in electrical installations
2. Digital relay protection devices
3. Modern aspects of electric power industry and electrical engineering
4. Operation of local computer networks of automated process control systems at digital substations
5. Algorithmization methods in the implementation of technological tasks in the electric power industry
6. Emergency automation AKA "CEDAR"
7. Operation and maintenance of microprocessor relay protection devices

To formalize a contract for the passage of the CPC
by e-mail of the conference conf.dstu@gmail.com
are being sent:
- application form;
- a copy of the passport (pages 2 and 3 with registration)
- a copy of the diploma of higher education with an appendix
(no later than 08.20.2024)
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